
Category General Dentistry

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

teeth grinding

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a common condition affecting up to 31% of adults. You may experience jaw pain, headaches, tooth sensitivity, or worn teeth. Stress, sleep disorders, medications, and misaligned teeth can cause bruxism. If left…

How to Fix Bad Breath Permanently

How to Fix Bad Breath Permanently

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be a significant social and personal concern. While temporary solutions like mints or gums may provide short-term relief, addressing the root cause is essential for a permanent fix. At Beecroft Smiles Dental Surgery, we understand the…

How to Cure TMJ Disorder Permanently?

How to Cure TMJ Disorder Permanently

While there is no guaranteed permanent cure for TMJ disorder, many can achieve long-term relief and effectively manage their symptoms through a combination of treatments and jaw alignment exercises. The key to curing TMJ permanently lies in addressing the root…

What is IV Sedation?

what is iv sedation?

What is IV Sedation? IV sedation, also known as intravenous sedation, is a method of administering sedative medications directly into the bloodstream through a vein. This technique is commonly used in various medical and dental procedures to help patients relax…

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